Fast verpasst

Gestern vor 30 Jahren (also am 01. Oktober 1982) wurde die erste CD verkauft. Natürlich in Japan, zusammen mit Sonys Ur-Player CDP-101.

Und selbstverständlich wurde die Scheibe gepresst – in Deutschland. Genauer gesagt, in Langenhagen bei Hannover, bei Polydor.
Und welches Album war’s? Billy Joels „52nd Street“ – ich hätt’s auch nicht gewusst ;-).

4 Gedanken zu „Fast verpasst

    1. hb Beitragsautor

      Hi Georg,
      ist nicht ganz falsch. Ich darf mal die englischsprachige Wikipedia zitieren:

      The first test CD was pressed in Langenhagen near Hannover, Germany, by the Polydor Pressing Operations plant. The disc contained a recording of Richard Strauss’s Eine Alpensinfonie (in English, An Alpine Symphony), played by the Berlin Philharmonic and conducted by Herbert von Karajan.[13] The first public demonstration was on the BBC television program Tomorrow’s World when The Bee Gees‘ album Living Eyes (1981) was played.[14] In August 1982 the real pressing was ready to begin in the new factory, not far from the place where Emile Berliner had produced his first gramophone record 93 years earlier. By now, Deutsche Grammophon, Berliner’s company and the publisher of the Strauss recording, had become a part of PolyGram. The first CD to be manufactured at the new factory was The Visitors (1981) by ABBA.[15] The first album to be released on CD was Billy Joel’s 52nd Street, that reached the market alongside Sony’s CD player CDP-101 on October 1, 1982 in Japan.


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